If you are buying traffic in Plugrush.com, we would recommend you using the dynamic parameters feature we have available.
Using them might give you valuable intel which you can use to optimise your campaigns.
You need to be able to receive the data we send with every visitor on your end or with the third party system you are using, and that can be somewhat complicated. At least if you are not an experienced advertiser or programmer.
In this article, we will go through some common 3rd party systems and show you how you can use our dynamic parameters with them.
First, these are the parameters we have available:
{$domain_id} - a unique ID of the traffic source/website
{$cc} - two letter country code of the visitor
{$category} - the category of the traffic source/website
{$trafficsource} - type of the traffic source (babelog, blog, dump, mgp, tgp or tube)
{$campaign_id} - the unique ID of your campaign
{$ad_id} - a unique ID of your ad (PlugTraffic only)
{$ad_ref} - your internal ad reference (PlugTraffic only)
{$mobile_os} - The mobile OS of the visitor
{$browser} - The browser of the visitor
{$orientation} - The orientation of targeted website
Some systems will allow you to use many of these, and some only one. Not all of them are equally useful, so we’ll focus on using the ID parameter.
If used correctly, this can tell us which traffic source/website is sending the sales/productive traffic to the campaign link. Info you can then use to create either a whitelist, or a blacklist depending on if you want to block traffic sources or target them.
Voluum is a very popular tracking software. They have a free version as well as several levels where you pay for different amounts of traffic you can send through the system and several powerful features.
If you just want to buy traffic to your blog, then this might be more advanced then you need, but for the experienced advertiser, then this system or similar is a must.
Voluum would give you a new tracking URL which you would use as the campaign URL in plugrush. And before it can do this, you need to create an offer and add traffic sources to your account. Plugrush would be added as a traffic source, and Voluum has already added plugrush as a predefined traffic source template, you just have to add it.
If you go to traffic sources —> New traffic sources —> then click traffic source templates
Then you select plugrush, and you should see this screen:
As you can see, the custom variable 1, the ID parameter is by default unchecked, so we recommend checking this option if you want this parameter tracked. If you need other parameters you can add them easily. you can call it what you want in the parameter field, and the use one of our remaining parameters in the placeholder field, and then a name for it in the name field, and it should track properly.
Once you have saved plugrush as a traffic source, you can select this everytime you create a campaign link for plugrush, and you should have all the parameters set up and tracking correctly.
Google Analytics:
By using the URL builder for analytics (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033867?hl=en ), you can easily set up campaigns with our dynamic parameters.
In the campaign term, you can enter any parameter.
Nats has a auto camp feature which allows you do add a generic parameter to the URL. You can add this «?autocamp=xxxx» and xxxx can be anything you want.
In our case, we can use it to add one of our parameters to it.
It would look like this:
In the NATS stats, if using the ID parameter, then you would be able to see which ID in plugrush is generating sign ups, or which IDs are not.
If you’re using the Mobile OS parameter, you could for example see if android phone users convert better then users on iPhones, or wise versa.
Crak revenues tracker feature allows you to add our parameters. It can be a little tricky though. When entering {$id} as a tracker, they strip away the brackets and dollar sign, and that wouldn’t get recognised in plugrush.com, so by editing the tracker manually, it works fine.
This is a standard link with default as tracker:
A tracker doesn’t have to be created in their system to work, so you can edit it to whatever you want as long as your affiliate code is intact.
In our case we can add a parameter, and it would look like this:
If you need to differentiate it from other campaigns or links you can take it one step further and add something else. For example:
http://ertya.com/go/caRG9_btWWj/s exy_plugrush_campaign_{$id}
Now you could do a stats lookup for the «sexy_plugrush_campaign» tracker, and you would have one tracker for each of plugrush publisher sites sending traffic to your campaign, and you could see which convert and which doesn’t.