When you buy traffic from PlugRush, there are a few parameters you can put in the URL that will be replaced by actual data by us before the visitor is sent to your campaign. Below is a list of available parameters you can use when buying traffic:
{$id} - a unique ID of the traffic source/website
{$cc} - two letter country code of the visitor
{$category} - the category of the traffic source/website
{$domain} - the domain of the traffic source/website
{$trafficsource} - type of the traffic source (babelog, blog, dump, mgp, tgp or tube)
{$campaign_id} - the unique ID of your campaign
{$ad_id} - a unique ID of your ad (PlugTraffic only)
{$ad_ref} - your internal ad reference (PlugTraffic only)
{$mobile_os} - the mobile OS of the visitor
Example URL: http://www.mywebsite.com/?campaign=plugrush&subId={$id}&country_code={$cc}